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        Youth Exhibits:

    The Olympics - Let the Games Begin

        Competitive Exhibits:

     Chapeaux Rouge

     The 1c Postal Card of Nicaragua

     The Polish Naval Postal Service in Great Britain 1941-1945

     Official Stamps of the Sudan to Independence

     Cinderella Wisconsin: The State in Stamps

     Life in Milwaukee - 1880-1914, At Work, Home & Play

     The U.S. Winston Churchill Memorial Stamp and its First Day Covers

     Great Lakes Passenger Steamers of Old - Luxury travel in days gone bye

     The Philatelic World of Lepidoptera

     Toward a Common Tongue

     Hawaiian Postal Cards and Envelopes: Kingdom, Prov. Gov't and Repub. Issues

     Evolution of the American Public Library

     Happy Holidays: A Walk Through the Latvian Holiday Calendar

     Commemorative & Semi-Postal Issues of the Third Reich 1933-1945

     Latvia 1918-1940: Stamps of the First Great Awakening


     The Development of the United States Lunar Exploration

     The Development of Electronic Mail

      Icarus & Daedalus

      MUSH! - On Sled Dogs and Dog Sleds

      Examples and Uses of Benjamin Franklin Stamps Through the Years

      A Tribute to Benjamin Franklin

            Midwest State Postal History Exhibits:

     The Winnebago Portage

     To "EE" or Not to "IE"

     Baraboo, WI: Postal History 1847 - 1947

     The Postal Development of Boone County, Illinois

     Mail from Evansville, Indiana 1818-1932


     Carroll County, Iowa: The First 100 Years

            Skinflint Exhibits:

     Let's Visit the Aquarium & Zoo

     A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office

     Rattlesnake Island Local Post - The Only U.S. Airmail Local Post

     Errors and Oddities on Israel Stamps

     Computerized Stamps from Foreign Countries

     The ABCs of the USPS Nondenominated Alphabet Stamps of the U.S.


     Let Me Mount the Ways


     Parody Philately


     Rate Change Confusion: How Much Is It Now?


     The Badger


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